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Is world news causing you anxiety and stress?

05th November 2024


Having access to world news, global information and worldwide social media can be empowering, it can help us gain more knowledge and understanding of world affairs, but it can also be a source of stress and anxiety.

In the past we seemed to have more choice as to how much we engaged in world affairs and local news, we could choose whether to read the daily paper or watch TV news channels.  Nowadays, news is hard to avoid, it’s accessible anytime, anywhere and often brought into our awareness without our consent.

I’m sure many of you currently have concerns about our planet, wars, global weather changes, world politics, the financial crisis, cost of living, public health services, our economy etc, as well as your own personal issues.

World news, positive and negative, is available 24 hours a day through our cell phones, news channels, social media platforms, the internet and newspapers and it can feel increasingly difficult to switch off from the constant stream of headlines. This can contribute to increasing our daily stress and anxiety levels and for some exaggerate intrusive thoughts, increase anger levels, influence lack of motivation and depression and increase alcohol or substance abuse. Therefore, it’s more important than ever to find ways to maintain keeping informed in a positive way.

So how do we manage the impact of world news and learn to manage our stress and anxiety? Here’s a few points to consider:

  • Remember not all you hear is true! - try to keep perspective, use your own judgment and discretion and find out alternative views to what may be being reported
  • Limit or manage your news exposure - maybe turn off phone notifications, limit news apps, put a time limit on screen exposure, designate a specific time slot each day to catch up on world events or take a complete break from the news
  • Cleanse your social media feed - review apps, your social media engagement, news related content, groups etc
  • Avoid triggers - some news events may trigger personal connections and can heighten stress levels. Be mindful to tune out if you feel it is triggering a personal response
  • Journal - write down your fears, stress and worries. This can help with your overall wellbeing and can be incorporated into your daily routine
  • Focus on what is in your control - a lot of what we see and hear is not within your direct control to change.  Focus on what you can do to make a difference in your world and take control of your emotions, thinking and physical responses.
  • Make a difference where you can - channel your concerns into positively engaging in your community, charities, world help organisations etc, take action! Do an act of kindness, donate to a cause, join an aid group, sign a petition. All will help lower your stress levels and give a sense of control and positivity
  • Tune out - put down your phone or switch off the news, you have choice!
  • Set a no screen policy - set certain times of day, maybe mealtimes and bedtime, where you won’t access your phone
  • Mindfulness and meditation - these practices can help to reduce stress, worry and anxiety and are positive activities to improve your general mental health. They can also help you feel connected with yourself, feel more positive and grounded, thus enabling you to focus on what’s in your control and let go of what you can’t
  • Grounding techniques - practicing grounding techniques, such as breathing techniques, meditation, walking in nature etc can help reduce stress levels and help you feel more connected to the earth
  • Exercise - this can help your overall wellbeing as well as increasing a sense of control
  • Social engagement - engage with others to discuss your worries, world affairs and stay connected

Keeping informed and managing the impact world news has on your daily life is more important than ever. For more tips on coping with stress, anxiety, insomnia and grief, along with information on social media management, selfcare, meditation and holistic therapies please see my other blog posts. Together we can make a difference.


“Be the change you wish to see in the world”


Mahatma Gandhi


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